If your student is planning on using a personal device for school purposes, please consider the device's capabilities. Also, please remember that Shallowater ISD will provide students in grades 1-12 with a district-issued device if they do not have a personal device of their own.
Educational devices should have a screen large enough to easily see content that the teachers provide to the student. Chromebooks often have an 11" screen and work well.
Educational devices should have some sort of keyboard and trackpad .
The device should have decent battery life, and students should make sure their device is charged every day and ready for school.
If purchasing a device for your student for school, consider the operating system, keyboard type, storage space, mobility, and price for a device with all of the desired features. Please keep in mind that the district has a limited capacity to support hardware issues with personal devices. Below are some sample devices that meet or exceed the minimum requirements for an educational device.
Apple Macbook - all types
Microsoft Windows Laptop -
Microsoft Windows Tablet (Surface, etc)
Apple iPad (an attached keyboard is highly recommended)
*Many common devices such as the Kindle Fire, and Smart Phones are not allowed as a student's primary educational device because they do not meet the needs of students adequately in the classroom.