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Backpack Buddy Program

Backpack Buddy Program

Can you imagine what it would be like to go to bed hungry?

There are children everyday that go without food. The Student Council in Shallowater High School would like to take action and make sure children in their community are fed throughout the weekends.

The Backpack Buddy program targets Elementary, Intermediate and Middle school children who are fed primarily in the school lunchroom Monday through Friday, but who go hungry on the weekends at home.

Each week, Student Council and volunteers stuff backpacks of food to be distributed to the Elementary, Intermediate and Middle school. The children identified as being potentially at high risk from being in food insecure homes will receive these backpacks on Friday afternoon for the weekend.

Student Council has purchased backpacks instead of using sacks because they would like for the students receiving the food to stay anonymous. The backpacks are stuffed with two menus that are alternated weekly.

Backpack Buddies needs your support so that no child goes to bed hungry. We want children to return to school on Monday ready to learn and not thinking of food because they have not eaten all weekend.

Please help the Student Council support their community and thank you in advance for your contribution.

backpack buddy logo


Backpack Buddy Donation Application


List of food stuffed in backpacks:

Peanut butter crackers
Chocolate Milk
Fruit snacks
Fruit Cups
Chex Mix Pudding Cups
Gold Fish
Animal Crackers
Breakfast Bars
Gelatin w/ Fruit
Fruit Juice Cereal
Ramen Noodle Soup
Apple Sauce