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What is 1:1?

Shallowater ISD is committed to helping our students, teachers, and administrators effectively utilize technology to enhance learning opportunities in and out of the classroom. With a goal of reaching a 1 to 1 device-to-student ratio, it is our plan to ensure that every student in SISD has access to the tools that are necessary for maximizing their academic success.

SISD is evolving toward a blended learning model of teaching and learning.  To provide greater flexibility to students and teachers, the district is investing in resources that will allow for a "blend" of both online and face-to-face learning opportunities.  By taking a blended approach to instruction, both teachers and students will benefit from greater flexibility in where, when, and how they work. 

With continued investments in the area of instructional technology, we believe that we are better preparing our students for the modern world.  Specifically, investments in the following areas are underway: 

1)    Hardware-The district maintains a fleet of Chromebook for our 1:1 program. Chromebooks cycled to refresh about every 5 years. 

2)    Software-Programs such as Schoology and ClassLink have been acquired to assist our students and teachers in creating user-friendly learning spaces that go beyond the regular classroom.  Every Chromebook issued uses our Securly web filtering and student safety software.

3)    Training and Development-Ongoing professional development is provided to staff members to help integrate technology into teaching and learning as well as in professional communication and collaboration. 

The effort to provide each of our students with equal access to personal devices enables Shallowater ISD to provide expanded learning opportunities to those we serve.  Not only does it allow for the educational experience to continue remotely in the event of temporary campus closures, but it also affords teachers the ability to design blended learning opportunities for their students.  

With our 1:1 initiative, blended learning becomes a greater possibility in Shallowater ISD.  While face-to-face instruction will always be the primary modality for educating our students, the personal devices provide students with ongoing access to course materials, assignments, and systems of support well beyond the end of the regular school day.