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Q & A

Bond 2022 Q & A

  • Bonds are a debt tool issued over a period of time for the purpose of raising capital by borrowing from investors. Bonds are sold by a school district to competing lenders to pay for the costs of large capital projects such as new construction, renovations of existing structures or large equipment replacement. 

  • Bonds are paid from ad valorem (property) taxes and, therefore, school districts are required by Texas state law to ask voters for permission to borrow money. If voters approve, the district will essentially take out a loan and pay back that loan with interest over time as designated by the agreed bond term limits (up to 40 year terms). This process is similar to taking out a home mortgage.

  • The district can only use bond funds for the purposes described in the bond proposal. Should there be a cost savings from projects, the Board of Trustees must hold an open public meeting to vote upon the use of those funds beyond described in the bond proposal.

  • Bond funds cannot be used for salaries or operating costs of the district such as utility bills, supplies, etc. These expenses must come from the district’s maintenance and operations budget.

    Bond funds can only be used to finance new construction and additions, renovations, land purchase, large equipment replacement, technology infrastructure, etc. Bond funds come from the district’s interest and sinking budget.

  • The bond proposal was developed by the Citizens Advisory Committee which is comprised of parents, district staff, business owners, and other Shallowater community members. Over the course of a couple of months, the CAC studied enrollment growth trends, campus capacity, district financial analysis, various project options and cost analysis before delivering a recommendation to the Board of Trustees for a May bond.  

  • If approved, the estimated maximum tax impact is $0.12 for a total tax rate of $1.4771.

  • Any registered voter who resides within the Shallowater ISD boundaries. Not sure if you’re eligible to vote in the SISD bond election? Click here to check your voter registration status and use the log in to check: voter registration status, elections on your ballot, poll location, early voting locations, and key election dates.

  • The deadline for voter registration is Thursday, April 7, 2022. If you are not registered to vote by this deadline, then you are not eligible to vote in this election. The Texas Voter Registration Application can be found online here.

  • Schools' general operating budget is funded through local tax revenues and state contributions on a per student basis. As more students enroll, the district will receive the funding allocation for these students. This pays for new teachers, instructional resources, and associated costs. The general budget has approximately 80% allocated directly to salaries for school district personnel. While we can always add more personnel, staffing at all schools exceeds state requirements. Bond money is allocated to a separate account and cannot be used for teacher salaries or general instructional materials. Proceeds from a bond issue can be used for the construction and renovation of facilities, the acquisition of land, and the purchase of as equipment, school busses, or vehicles for security purposes.

  • The 2012 bond planned for the new wing on the west side of the building and the second story "shell" to be added for future expansion. This was completed. In 2018, 450.000 was allocated from the general operating fund balance (savings account) to complete 2 classrooms and provide infrastructure for the rest of the wing (electrical, ductwork, etc.). This was completed.

  • We do not have this answer. Newer modern units are more efficient than the current ones from 1997-2001 and should result in reduced amounts of energy.

  • Increased square footage brings additional cost. This will be covered the General Operating Fund with the increase in per student allocation.

  • The only promises that have been made are current, actual budgeted expenses. Whether or not the bond passes, a general maintenance plan and long-range facilities plan will be completed this year. These become operating plans for 5-10 years in the future.

  • Those who attend Open Forums have a variety of interests. We wanted to be sure they have the opportunity to get their questions answered thoroughly in a personal manner and respect others' time. We are compiling FAQs based on the questions that were asked and will be making those available to all.

  • Additional lights at the tennis courts and 2 additional courts are needed for the district to host after school tournaments. Currently, the district hosts one team tournament in the fall and one in the spring, and these run during the school day. If the tournament goes into the evening hours, the lights are a limitation. Additional spectator seating is needed as well.

  • Title IX gives women athletes the right to equal opportunity in sports in educational institutions that receive federal funds, from elementary schools to colleges and universities. There are three parts to Title IX as it applies to athletics programs:

    --Effective accommodation of student interests and abilities (participation)

    --Athletic financial assistance (scholarships), and

    --Other program components (the “laundry list” of benefits to and treatment of athletes). The “laundry list” includes equipment and supplies, scheduling of games and practice times, travel and daily per diem allowances, access to tutoring, coaching, locker rooms, practice and competitive facilities, medical and training facilities and services, and support services.

  • The track is a one-time installation, but resurfacing the track is a recurring maintenance item. Typical resurfacing of a high school track is done at 8-10 years of life.